Youth (5:15)
Spearing elbow: Demo, show the difference between spearing and bursting. Have them do against air while modeling you then do against air while you watch.
Divide them into two lines with the two of you holding a pad at front of line. Have them practicing spearing elbow against pad.
Review inside defense and how it is different than outside. Feeder has open hands and blocker has closed fists. Pair them off and then determine who is A and who is B. A's feed first and then switch. Once both have gone, switch partners and repeat.
Center 1---Students practice knee in fight and spearing elbow against heavy bags
Center 2--Students are lined up while assistant bumps with pad and students do back fall, one defensive kick, one offensive kick and then goes to the back of the line.
Center 3--Students practice both outside and inside defense
Game: Four corner freeze tag
Junior (6:00)
Spearing elbow: Demo, show the difference between spearing and bursting. Have them do against air while modeling you then do against air while you watch.
Divide into partners. Hide and flash with spearing elbow....the progress to two palms, two clinch with knees.
Review inside defense and how it is different than outside. Feeder has open hands and blocker has closed fists. Pair them off and then determine who is A and who is B. A's feed first and then switch. Once both have gone, switch partners and repeat.
Center 1---Students practice knee in fight against heavy bags
Center 2--Students are lined up while assistant bumps with pad and students do back fall, one defensive kick, one offensive kick and then goes to the back of the line.
Center 3--Students practice both outside and inside defense
Center 4--Students do the cycle from above (spearing elbow, two palms, clinch but then throw down pad and face smash)
Game: Four corner freeze tag
Warm up: 3 rounds of outside blocks, review the block first
-one side feed
-other side feed
-both feed
1. Offensive stomp kick
-4 rounds, about 1 minute
2. Bursting elbow
-4 rounds of about 1 minute
3. Clinch and four knees (2 per side, review the switch)
4. 3 rounds of shoulder tag
5. Combative cycle
Offensive stomp kick ---> Bursting elbow ---> Clinch and 4 knees
6. Review 3 basic chokes
7. Combative cycle
Offensive stomp kick ---> Bursting elbow ---> Clinch and 4 knees ---> Face smash (rotate)
-Heavy cardio including a lap around the building
A. Spearing elbow
B. Inside block
Warm up: 3 rounds of outside/inside/under blocks
-one side feed
-other side feed
-both feed
1. Side kicks
-4 rounds, about 1 minute, one defensive, one offensive
2. Hi-low punches
-4 rounds of about 1 minute
3. Clinch and four knees (2 per side, second round dump)
4. 3 rounds of shoulder tag, 10 jump squats a tag for the last round
5. Combative cycle
Side kick ---> Hi-low punches ---> Clinch and 4 knees
6. Review rear bear hug defenses
7. Combative cycle
Side kick ---> Hi-low punches ---> Clinch and 4 knees ---> Face smash (rotate)
-Heavy cardio including 2 laps around the building
A. Back kick (offensive and defensive)
B. Recompose guard
Warm up: 3 rounds of outside/inside/under blocks
-one side feed
-other side feed
-both feed
-go through above cycle twice, second round with various exercises
1. Switch round house kicks
-4 rounds, about 1 minute
2. Hi-low punches
-4 rounds of about 1 minute
3. Clinch and four knees (2 per side, second round dump)
4. 3 rounds of shoulder tag, 10 jump squats a tag
5. Combative cycle
Switch round house kick ---> Hi-low punches ---> Clinch and 4 knees
6. Review rear bear hug defenses, plus push and wall chokes
7. Combative cycle
Switch round house kick ---> Hi-low punches ---> Clinch and 4 knees ---> Face smash (rotate)
-Heavy cardio including a lap around the building
A. Sumbrada with arm bar, neck crank, stacking, sweep and/or guillotine choke
B. Review gun disarms